Post diagnostic support

Post Diagnostic Dementia support provides 12 months of support and advice with a named link worker following a diagnosis of dementia

Hello, my name is Heather Harper.

If you're over 60, newly diagnosed with Dementia, the Fife-wide dementia post-diagnostic support team will provide you and your family, if you so wish, support and information tailored to you as an individual, at times and at a pace that suits you.

This will initially be for six months and possibly one year depending on you needs.

We will support and enable you to live well with your diagnosis and to obtain resources and services to allow this to happen.

As a team, we follow the guiding principles of the Alzheimer Scotland five-pillar model of dementia post diagnostic support, which are to assist you to understand your illness and manage your symptoms , plan for your future decision making, plan for your future care, gain peer support and support you to maintain your community connections.

The professional who has given you the diagnosis will refer you to our service, and we will then be in touch with you to offer dementia post-diagnostic support.

By the end of your time with us, we aim to have helped you come to terms with your diagnosis and helped you and your family be prepared for the future living with dementia.