Fife Sports & Leisure Trust

Fife Sports and Leisure Trust provide a variety of sporting, recreation and leisure activities that can be tailored to help you lead a healthy lifestyle

Health and Physical Activities Team - 01383 602209

Duloch Leisure Centre

Address: Nightingale Place,
Dunfermline KY11 8LW
Phone: 01383 602209 

Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre

Address: Kirkcaldy Swimming Pool ,
Esplanade, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1RQ
Phone: 01592 583306

Hi, my name is Craig Salmond and I work at Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. Leading a physically active lifestyle can have a significant impact on the well-being of people with dementia.

Exercise is beneficial for physical and mental health and may improve the quality of life for people in all stages of the condition. Physical activities are sometimes defined as those activities that increase your heart rate and cause you to breathe more deeply. This includes everyday activities such as walking, gardening or dancing as well as sports.

Some of the benefits of keeping active include improving cognition and recent studies have shown exercise may improve memory and slow down mental decline.

Keeping active also provides opportunities for social interaction and reducing the feeling of isolation. If you care for someone who has dementia a shared activity can also give you a chance to do something that makes you both happier and able to enjoy quality time together.

Fife Sports and Leisure Trust and the council's Active Fife team offer local people the opportunity to be active in a safe and supported environment. Activities range from walking, group exercise and supported gym sessions. For further information, please click on one of the links above or phone 01383 602209 and ask for a member of the health and physical activity team.